After over 20 years since they first came together, it may be natural to assume Avatar would be going through the motions when it came to putting on a show. However, this couldn’t be farther from the truth, as their Manchester show proved to an adoring crowd.
The Swedish metal band formed in Gothenburg in 2001, a collaboration from drummer John Alfredsson and guitarist Jonas Jarlsby, and found fame in their native country after their third album ‘Avatar’ reached number 36 in the charts in 2009.
The Manchester show of their Dance Devil Dance tour showcased two brilliant opening acts; the UK’s very own Mastiff and Chicago band Veil of Maya.

Mastiff, a hardcore/sludge band from Hull, were first up. They brought energy to the stage as audience members settled into place for the show, with lead singer Jim Hodge talking to the crowd in between songs.
Up next was Veil of Maya, who brought a gritty yet heartfelt tone with them on stage. With a brilliant drummer and talented guitarists behind him, vocalist Lukas Magyar really got the concertgoers singing and headbanging as they awaited the main event.

At last, it was Avatar’s turn. The crowd chanted their name into the darkness before the stage lit up with deep red lighting and golden fireworks, unveiling the drummer and guitarists with the band’s symbol looming over them. The audience were screaming, which must have been music to singer Johannes Eckerstrӧm’s ears as he entered the stage, grinning from ear to ear, donned in his circus ringleader outfit and signature clown makeup. As soon as they began, the heavy bass made your whole body vibrate, encapsulating you in their amazing performance. You can hear their newer, ‘avant-garde’ approach to metal music, and the fans swooned at Eckerstrӧm’s almost operatic high notes.
One song that received a lot of applause was The Eagle Has Landed from their 2016 album Feathers and Flesh. Eckerstrӧm sang to the devoted audience with wild eyes and a crazed look on his face, really playing up to the character he was portraying.
Avatar brought a spooky, carnivalesque atmosphere to the Manchester Academy that night, and their powerful performance left a mark on myself. As someone who doesn’t listen to metal music, I may have to begin with Avatar!